Isis thrown off building video

Why isis fighters are being thrown off buildings in. Vile isis butchers have released horrific footage showing a man being thrown from the roof of a tall building simply because they believed him to be gay the twisted islamic fundamentalists. It shows a terrified man, thought to be an isis fighter, being hurled off high edge. Persecution of gay and bisexual men by isil wikipedia. Video appears to show iraqi soldiers throwing a suspected. Video appears to show iraqi soldiers throwing a suspected isis. A chilling new isis propaganda video appears to show the moment a gay man is thrown off the roof of a building before another male is brutally beheaded. Isis militants thrown off roof allegedly by iraqi troops. Iraqi security forces kill isis prisoners because they believe that if the militants are sent to prison camps they will bribe the authorities in. They drag one man to the edge of a cliff, where bodies are already scattered below and are being used for target practice. Video footage appears to show iraqi troops killing unarmed isis fighter. Syrians have been thrown from high buildings and beheaded by isis because of their perceived sexual orientation. Graphic videos circulating on social media that purportedly show iraqi soldiers beating and killing men suspected of being isis militants in the.

Video appears to show iraqi soldiers throwing a suspected isis militant off a building. Isis throws man accused of being gay off building in iraq haaretz. The iraqi government is investigating the video and promised to bring justice if it is verified. The suspected isis fighters are covered in blood from the beatings. Isis militants are thrown to their deaths and shot where they lie in video allegedly showing iraqi troops carrying out executions.

Isis throws gay man off building caught on camera youtube. Isis release sick video of gay man being thrown off building. After the man plunges to his death, other men waiting at the bottom of the building run towards his body and pelt it with stones. Isis frequently reserves one of its most gruesome methods of killing for suspected gays throwing them to their death from building rooftops. Video shows iraqi army throwing isis terrorist off cliff, shooting them.

A gruesome propaganda video showing isis terrorists throwing a man accused of being homosexual off the roof of a building has emerged on. The video shows a traumatised man, allegedly an isis terrorist, was beaten by rifle wielding troops before dragging him to the cliff. Chilling new isis video shows gay man being thrown off. Isis, many of their enemies share a homicidal hatred of gays cbs.

The following video shows iraqi troops kicking and dragging around detainees. Gay and bisexual men have been violently persecuted by the islamic extremist group islamic state of iraq and the levant within its region of control in iraq, syria. By clicking on continue you confirm that you are 18 years and over. Warning thread isis throwing man off building might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. Iraqi officials to investigate images of man being thrown off high ledge, as fears rise of atrocities in battle for mosul. Latest isis video shows terrorist throwing gay man off roof ndtv. Graphic videos circulating on social media that purportedly show iraqi soldiers beating and killing men suspected of being isis militants in the recently liberated city of mosul have drawn. Graphic photos posted on jihadist website show man falling three storeys. Latest isis video shows terrorists throwing gay man off roof. Isis throws gay man off building caught on camera informoverload 2.

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